Hi! I'm Gail

I'm the Founder of the Tranquility Garden
I am a Public Health and Nutrition Advocate, a wife and mother of three. My husband is gluten free and my youngest is gliadin and whey free. I have worked for an Environmental Lab, taught mathematics and science, and worked for a non-profit organization to help the poor, as well as worked with an Osteopathic doctor.
Many people in my family have died of cancer and many are diabetics who died at young ages. In the early 2000's I began to realize that a lot of people are reaching their Golden Years, but are not able to enjoy them due to chronic illnesses. During this time a friend told me about a book entitled, "The Grocery Warning" that described what hydrogenated oils, MSG, milk and meat (from non-free range animals), preservatives and additives did to our bodies.
As I was reading this book, I would go to my pantry and look at the ingredients of various products I had been feeding my family to discover that they all contained ingredients mentioned in this book. I realized that all these years I thought that I was feeding my family healthy food, I was unknowingly poisoning them. I threw it all out and went to the food store to restock our shelves. My journey through the food store that day was a humbling experience. I was almost in tears because I could not find many items to replace the ones I threw away.
In 2008 I went to my son's Back-to-School Night where the nurse informed us that 33% of the children eat fast food every day. It is predicted that children born from 1990 on will have a shorter life-span than their parents due to nutritional and health habits. It was at this moment I decided that I wanted to educate people about what they were putting into their bodies and the consequences those choices can have on them and their families.
I attended the American Health & Sciences University (AHSU) and received my certification in nutrition. Since then I have my taught individuals and groups about healing their bodies and staying in health.
I believe that wellness occurs when our life is in balance. My desire is to help people achieve wellness in their life by balancing themselves physically, emotionally; as well as spiritually.
As Hippocrates said, “"Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food."
The Tranquility Garden provides education and products that aid people in balancing their mind, body and spirit.
Enjoy your life journey on purpose!
Explore Mindfulness With Me
Essential oils are the essence of a plant. Inside many plants—hidden in roots, seeds, flowers, bark—are concentrated, highly potent chemical compounds. These natural compounds are essential oils.
Essential oils give a plant its scent, protect it from hazardous environmental conditions, and even assist it with pollination, among other important functions and benefits.
Disease results when a body becomes too acidic. Making good nutritional decisions about what a person eats along with an exercise routine reduces a person’s chance of becoming obese. A healthy lifestyle will decrease a person’s chance of developing type II diabetes, allergies, behavior disorders or chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease; while increasing their immunity system. By making the right choices you can avoid some of the things we think of as the inevitable penalties of getting older. A healthy diet teamed with regular exercise and not smoking can eliminate 80% of heart disease, 99% of type II diabetes and the majority of cancer cases. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and some fruit help put the body into an alkaline environment. Not to mention how full you feel after eating them. These foods greatly help us to feel as if we have eaten something substantial and they do so with fewer calories. Compare the caloric density of a pound of apples versus a pound of "Tootsie Rolls": 263 calories versus 1200!
Each crystal, gemstone and rock has a unique vibration of its own.
The energetic effect of a particular crystal not only depends on its vibrational energy, but also on the intention of the individual who is using it
Whether you receive a crystal as a gift, or it is something you found, or bought on your own, it should be cleansed before use. To cleanse, place your crystal in a bowl of salt water or near direct sunlight for a few hours or overnight. Picture the positive energy embodying the crystal/stone. Think of what your intent is for the use of the stone. Keep the thoughts happy and positive focusing on white light.